The TERAC monthly meetings are held at 7PM on the second Thursday of the month, currently using ZOOM. Email Ron Kinder for an invitation.
Registered Users
The TERAC monthly meetings are held at 7PM on the second Thursday of the month, currently using ZOOM. Email Ron Kinder for an invitation.
NEWS: Please join us Friday nights at 7:00 PM on ZOOM! Email Ron Kinder for an invitation.
Emergency Service Volunteer Fair and Ham Radio Swap Meet
Check the website for the most current information.
This is the most current flyer.
Doors open from • 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
Vendor Registration closed Sept 20.
Raffle Prizes are HRO Gift Certificates for $400, $250 and $125 again this year.
Additional ARRL Gift Certificates are available.
Talk-in Frequency hasn’t been published in quite a while but is probably still
145.33MHz -offset 186.2Hz PL tone owned by Cascade Amateur Radio Society.
I-5 South take Exit 260A Salem Parkway, or I-5 North take Exit 253.
Follow the signs towards Hwy 22 West/Ocean Beaches to the Polk County Fairgrounds.
Longtime club member – Pete Mackie, KG7IXU is now SK at the age of 88. Pete taught our technician class in the past. He will be missed. Memorial services have not been announced yet.